QR Code format for Google Streetview

To encode a point on Earth you can apply geographic information to QR Codes.
Using the geo URI scheme using the Google streetview format will allow you to visualize buildings and locations from the point of view of a user standing at this place.

QR Code reader might then open an appropriate viewer, the Google Streetview application or could open the Google Streetview web site in the device’s web browser.

The parameters for this QR code format are described in the Google Maps Parameter List.


What’s inside the Google Streetview format?

The begin characters (‘google.streetview:’) tells the decoding software the type of the embedded data.
Then you can specify the geographic and viewport information you want to include.

streetview = “google.streetview:” “cbll=” geo-location [ “&cbp=1,” yaw “,,” pitch “,” zoom] [ “&mz=” map-zoom ] [ “&panoid=” panorama-id ]

The property cbll(latitude,longitude) is required while cbp(Street View window) and mz(map zoom) are optional.

The parameters are as follows:

streetview Parameter Description and syntax
geo-location Syntax: geo-location = latitude “,” longitude

latitude (deg N in range[-90, 90]) and
longitude (deg W in range[-180, 180])

yaw panorama center-of-view in degrees clockwise from North,
ranged between [0:359].

Note: the two commas after this parameter are required due to backward compatibility.

pitch panorama center-of-view in degrees between [-90:90].

-90 means looking straight up.
90 means looking straight down.

zoom panorama zoom ranged between[1:??].

1.0 means normal zoom
2.0 means zoomed in 2x
3.0 means zoomed in 4x

A zoom of 1.0 means a 90 degree horizontal FOV while using a nominal landscape mode 4:3 aspect ratio display.
To minimize the fisheye lens effect that would appear using a 90 degree horizontal FOV in portrait mode, your Android phone will adjust the zoom so that the vertical FOV is approximately the same as the landscape vertical FOV. This results in a much narrower horizontal FOV in portrait mode.

map-zoom map zoom of the map location associated with this panorama.

It corresponds to the z parameter in the geo-URI scheme.

panorama-id The ID of the current nearby panorama object. These IDs are used in the little arrows you can click on in Street View to move you to the next object or property


NOTE: According to Mapki Description we have to set “layer=c” to see street view.

The resulting Streetview object can look like:







Testing with Google Maps App on Android resulted in:

  • If you specify a query with a location, geo-location is superseded.
  • If you specify any query, zoom level is superseded.
  • Combining geo-location and zoom level set gives a piece of a map.
  • If you specify a query with a location, be aware of specifying a unique location. Results are rated according to current user position.

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